H e r m e n e V t I k a in humanistika II

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po mojem mnenju odlo~no prikraj{anje Diltheyevega filozofskega dose`ka in

njegovega prispevka hermenevti~nemu mi{ljenju.

Klju~ne besede: Dilthey, hermenevtika, Gadamer, Heidegger, Geisteswissen-


Hans-Ulrich Lessing: Hermeneutics in Dilthey’s Formation

of Human Sciences

Within the context of the more and more intensive research on the history of

hermeneutics in recent years, Dilthey more and more often appears as a “clas-

sic” of the traditional hermeneutics incriminated by Gadamer, which puts him

in the position of a mere predecessor of philosophical hermeneutics viz. her-

meneutic philosophy of Heidegger and Gadamer. This view, however, stem-

ming primarily from Gadamer’s conception and appearing to be quite accept-

able at a first glance, is highly problematic and, in my opinion, contributes to a

decisive diminution of Dilthey’s philosophical achievement and his contribu-

tion to hermeneutic thinking.

Key words: Hermeneutics, Gadamer, Dilthey, Heidegger, Geisteswissenschaften


 * *

Dimitri Ginev: K hermenevti~no-filozofski zgodovini duhoslovnih


Opraviti imamo s tremi zgodovinskimi stopnjami razvitja razmerja med

hermenevtiko in humanistiko. Vpra{anje, kako so bile te vede uspe{ne pri

konstruiranju svojih “hermenevti~nih identitet” dolo~a vidik moje obravnave.

^lanek sestoji iz treh delov. Prvi del razvije koncepcijo predzgodovine hu-

manisti~nih ved. Poglavitni namen je razgrnitev korenin epistemologije semio-

ti~ne interpretacije v Meierjevi »hermeneutica generalis«. Drugi del je posve-

~en Boeckhovemu enciklopedi~nemu projektu s poudarkom na vlogi herme-

nevtike pri “kognitivni institucionalizaciji” humanisti~nih ved. Tretji del na

podlagi vpogleda v Mischevo hermenevti~no logiko obravnava kontroverzo

med interpretativno filozofijo “Geisteswissenschaften” in eksistencialno onto-


Klju~ne besede: Dilthey, Heidegger, Gadamer, hermenevtika, humanistika


19.1.2006, 8:46







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Dimitri Ginev: To Hermeneutic-Philosophical History

of the Human Sciences

In this paper I argue that there are three main historical stages in the relations-

hip between philosophical hermeneutics and the human sciences. The question

of how these sciences succeed in constructing their “hermeneutic identities”

provides the viewpoint of my discussion. The paper consists of three parts. Part

I develops a conception of the prehistory of the human sciences. The main aim

is to reveal the roots of the epistemology of semiotic interpretation in Meier’s

“hermeneutica generalis”. Part II invokes Boeckh’s encyclopedic project in

giving accounts of the role hermeneutics has played in the “cognitive insti-

tutionalization” of the human sciences. Based on an inquiry into Misch’s her-

meneutic logic, Part III discusses the controversy between interpretative philo-

sophy of the ”Geistesewissenschaften” and existential ontology.

Key words: Dilthey, Heidegger, Gadamer, Hermeneutics, humanities


 * *

Yvanka B. Raynova: Prispevek Paula Ricoeurja fenomenolo{ki

hermenevtiki evropske zgodovine in evropskih vrednot

Naloga pri~ujo~ega prispevka je, prvi~, rekonstrukcija Ricoeurjevega ve~stran-

skega pristopa k evropski problematiki prek analize njegovega razvoja od Ri-

coeurjeve zgodnje do pozne faze pisanja. Drugi~, izpostavitev specifike in

izvirnosti Ricoeurjevih pogledov s poudarkom na razlikah glede Husserlove

fenomenologije in filozofije zgodovine; in tretji~, obravnava pojmovnega pri-

spevka Ricoeurjevega hermenevti~nega pristopa in mo`nosti njegovih aplikacij

glede rekonstrukcije evropskega spomina in izgradnje nove vrste kulturne,

dru`bene in politi~ne skupnostni.

Klju~ne besede: Ricoeur, hermenevtika, Evropa, zgodovina, svet.

Yvanka B. Raynova: Paul Ricoeur’s Contribution To A Pheno-

menological Hermeneutics of the European History and Values

The following article aims, firstly, to offer a reconstruction of Ricoeur’s multi-

farious approach to the European problematic by analyzing its development

from his early to his late writings; secondly, to emphasize the specific and the

originality of Ricoeur’s views by pointing out their difference to Husserl’s


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phenomenology and philosophy of history; and, thirdly, to discuss the con-

ceptual contribution of Ricoeur’s hermeneutical approach and its application

possibilities to the reconstruction of the European memory and the building of

a new kind of cultural, social, and political community.

Key words: Ricoeur, Hermeneutics, Europe, history, world


 * *

Dean Komel: Sodobnost: filozofsko vpra{anje ali vpra{anje


Eden od osnovnih vzgibov razvitja filozofije v 20.stoletju je bil nedvomno

poskus hermenevti~ne utemeljitve Geisteswissenschaften pri Wilhelmu Dil-

theyu, ki se je pri Heideggru zaokrenil v smer hermenevti~nega zasnovanja

filozofije same in naposled doprinesel k uvidu, da znotraj filozofije ni ve~ kaj

za~enjati, ter da je pristni kraj mi{ljenja treba dolo~iti onkraj filozofije. Vendar

pa se mi{ljenje, ki stopa ~ez filozofijjo v hkratnem sestopanju pod njo, nahaja

na poti  vmes, v neki vmesnosti, ki zase terja svoje razumevanje. Tako razu-

mevanje predvsem zaznamuje »ukvarjanje s hermenevtiko«, ki se je v prej{-

njem stoletju vsekakor pomenljivo preobrazila v filozofsko hermenevtiko. Kaj

zaobsega ta oznaka izvemo {ele, ko se`emo do tistega, kar naj bi bilo v njemu

dosegu: sodobnost kot godi{~e filozofske hermenevtike.

Klju~ne besede: hermenevtika, humanistika, sodobnost, Hegel, ~as

Dean Komel: Philosophical Question or the Question

of Philosophy

One of the basic incentives of the development of philosophy in the 20



was undoubtedly the attempt at hermeneutic grounding of Geisteswissenschaf-

ten in Wilhelm Dilthey, which, in Heidegger, took the course of hermeneutic

formation of philosophy itself and eventually led to the insight that there is

nothing to begin with within philosophy and that the genuine place of thinking

should be determined from without philosophy. However, thinking which trans-

cends philosophy and descends under it at the same time finds itself on the way

in between, in a certain midst, which calls for an understanding proper only to

itself. Such understanding primarily determines “dealing with hermeneutics”,

which in the previous century tellingly transformed into philosophical her-


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